Displays testimonials from the associated section. You can set sorting type to show new or random testimonials as well as you can choose overall number of testimonials to show. It supports featured image option so it will fit perfectly to show user or client comments or any other comments of that matter. There is also a new option to select what testimonials to display in this or that section on your site.
Sarah Brown, Company Inc.
Consequat consequat eros non tincidunt pellentesque vitae tempor massa morbi volutpat lorem non mattis morbi felis mauris, hendrerit nisi a, convallis ac suscipit. Pellentesque consequat consequat.
John White, Company Inc.
Consequat consequat eros non tincidunt pellentesque vitae tempor massa morbi volutpat lorem non mattis morbi felis mauris, hendrerit nisi a, convallis ac suscipit. Pellentesque consequat consequat.
Anna Smith, Company Inc.
Pellentesque consequat consequat eros non tincidunt pellentesque vitae tempor massa morbi volutpat lorem non mattis morbi felis.
Tom Sawyer, Company Inc.
Pellentesque consequat consequat eros non tincidunt pellentesque vitae tempor massa morbi volutpat lorem non mattis morbi felis.